To Be Read. My to be read pile is enormous. I hide books in nooks and crannys and conveniently forget about them. I've recently been trying to make a point of reading the books I own, rather than buying new books.
I typically try to work from my to be read pile and only read brand new books if it's something big that I've been waiting for. I've decided rather than look at the whole pile I'm going to break it down into mini piles. (Excuse the messy table.) Here's my current list... so barring any much awaited books coming out this is what I'm planning on reading in the next couple weeks! (top to bottom, right to left)
The Passage by Justin Cronin
If I Stay by Gayle Forman
On The Road by Jack Kerouac (I know, I know...)
Love Sick by Jack Coburn
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder
The Wild Things by Dave Eggers (the full length version of Maurice Sendak's childrens book)
Don't Sleep With Your Drummer by Jen Sincero
As you can see my reading tastes are diverse (although at times immature :)). Wish me luck! Do you have any books your dying to read? Any books you're putting off? Any reading recommendations?
ps- almost through with The Mazerunner!